Hypocrisy Soup for the Soul
Nikki and I are two people who have so much in common, it's a story that should be told because it is a story that shows what kind of hypocrisy we live in. We tend to see things in the same light when we experience life together. The beauty of our relationship is that we have been blessed to know the literal difference between right and wrong. Due to possessing these blessings, we have been able to see the evil hypocrisy for what it really is. It turns out our Christian Abuelitas were correct. Satan is real, Jesus Christ is the only path, right and wrong exist, and it is our moral duty to present the truth of God.
Nikki and I conceived our daughter, Emilia Josephine Johnson, on December 25th, 2016. At that time, we were living with two other roommates in a three-bedroom apartment. I had begun working at a local dispensary called Attis Trading Company. This was during the time of an ice and snow storm, so we were having fun in the snow and carefree. Our roommates were gone for days because of the road conditions. It was a really great time.
Then the roommates started coming back. By this time, Nikki found out she was pregnant. We were both very excited and happy. We both immediately started preparing and planning for having a child. Unfortunately, we were in a home that made these agendas difficult.
The first problem was our 45-year-old roommate that acted like she was 15 years old. Within the first month of moving in, she was playing the victim role. Around 5 in the morning one day, we were woken by her screaming for help. Immediately I ran out to assess the situation. She had brought over some guy that was maybe in his early 20's, both completely drunk. She was screaming to get him out of the house, and literally yelled my name and Nikki for help. So, I kicked the guy out. That guy knew I would have physically kicked him out, so he simply left. No harm, no foul, right?
This moron of a human then starts thanking us uncontrollably, still incredibly inebriated. Nikki and I had adrenaline seeping out of our nostrils in the form of steam, being as calm as possible and refraining from evicting this female. After a few minutes of hollow gratitude, she realizes everything she did. Then she turns around and passes out, while we're wide awake from her psychosis. This is one of many incidents regarding this woman. Ironically, she wasn't the largest problem. She ended up moving out around May of 2017. She was dirty, she smelled like alcohol and sweat, and it was a very bad combination.
The female roommate was bad, but the real problem was the transgender roommate. This is where things go from normal roommate issues, to pedophilia and Satanism. The transgender decided he wanted to have their friend stay at our home for two weeks. We were totally fine with that since we are always willing to let people stay at our home. What he neglected to tell us was that his friend was a runaway 16-year-old minor.
After two weeks of the minor child staying at our home without our knowledge, the transgender decided to bring in another friend. This put six people in a three-bedroom apartment. This other friend was a transsexual male. This is when it started getting extremely bizarre, abusive, and disgusting. This is when we had an in-home experience of the trans lifestyle, and it's horrible.
The caravanserai I speak of started up during springtime. By this time, I was normally working between 10-15 hours, 5-6 days out of the week. There were days when I would open the dispensary, and 16 hours later, I would close the store. I was working about 70 hours a week. I was doing what a man should do when his woman is pregnant. The downfall to my efforts is that there was a lot of disrespect towards Nikki at home while I was at work.
There was already a cleanliness issue before any of the trans-man minions arrived. The female roommate did not clean, as well. When the other two minions slithered their way into our home, there was four more filthy contributors. Nikki, from February to May, would clean up after both roommates.
Nikki would clean because she was pregnant and could smell dirt on a fly's wing. She was preggo hungry, which is millennial code for being hungry many times out of the day. Therefore, she would frequent the kitchen, like any hangry pregnant woman does. When there is a pregnant lady in the home, she gets full dominion over the kitchen, and everyone in the home should clean up after her. It's an ancient practice of feeding mother and child freely and cleaning for mother and baby so they can eat again. That is the duty of anyone on this planet who is around a pregnant lady.
This was not the case. Nikki would call me crying, while I was at work, telling me that she wasn't able to get into the kitchen for extended hours. The transsexual male had taken over the kitchen, as well as the transgender and female minor taking over the apartment. These three people would spend long hours making a mess and not cleaning anything up. If Nikki would try to go out and make food, she would be bombarded by this group. It would be a bombardment of sexual harassment, abortion suggesting, and personal invasion.
So, Nikki ends up being horribly hungry, tired, and stressed because she has to clean up after these people after not eating for hours. When I was home, I witnessed the same actions. We would have to make dinner quickly, clean up our part and theirs, then go back in our room and mind our business. Then there would be 2-3-hour segments of the roommates in the kitchen. The kitchen was one part of health issue and respect issue in our home while Nikki was pregnant.
Nikki was vomiting throughout the day, all the way through her being admitted to Providence St. Vincent. There was regurgitation in cups, bowls, you name it, she was throwing up a lot. Part of this was because of her lack of food, but a larger part was the health issue regarding mold, and the respect issue regarding giving a pregnant lady space and time. There was a huge black mold problem, that could be seen and unseen. Most of this problem was in the trans room, which we didn't know about until they moved out in June. We were breathing in black mold for 8 months. After we found all the black mold, we knew exactly why Nikki was always sick and having natal issues.
I am convinced that Nikki's amniotic sac ruptured because she was vomiting constantly. I think the pressure of regurgitation caused the tear. When I put these revelations together, it broke my heart to pieces. All she was doing was taking care of her and Emilia, and the disgusting lifestyle and negligence of this trans group were the catalysts and saboteurs behind our daughter's inevitable death.
The disrespect that Nikki experienced was appalling. We found a lot of Satanist items when they moved out, and while they were there. The transsexual was a male who was taking hormones and was developing breasts. We had a wannabe Baphomet in our own home. This thing was extremely perverted. He would try to talk to me about masturbation and talk to Nikki about abortion and polyamorous living. It was sickening behavior.
The minor female was the one who was loud and invasive. She, as well, would make sexual advances towards me and Nikki. We figured out she was underage a month before they moved out. I know they moved because we were going to call Child Protection Services. She would wear Pokémon costumes constantly, standing out front of the apartment complex, chain smoking cigarettes. She would fight with the other two males and would cause an uproar.
The transgender male was the one who finally pulled up and moved. He knew we were going to press charges against them for harboring a minor, so they were gone within a weekend. After this, Nikki attempted to go back to work for a few months. We were setting things up to have a family life. Nikki's health was already really bad, so within a month of putting our lives back together, she had to go to the emergency room.
And that is how Nikki and Emilia ended up in the emergency room at Providence St. Vincent Hospital. The lesson I learned from this experience is to stay as far away from the liberal-leftist mentality as possible. The level of cognitive dissonance with this group is insane. This has gotten me and Nikki closer to God, and further from the demonic people. We are on the path to see our family, again eternally, when we pass away.
In the past, I shared my home with one single roommate and I got tired of finding dirty dishes in the sink all ther time! Only 1 roommate and I was not pregnant. I can’t even imagine how Nikki must have felt. I’m really sorry you both had to deal with that. Untidy roommates are no fun.
ReplyDeleteI’m having trouble connecting the title of this entry to the content though. It didn’t quite show any blatant examples of hypocrisy to me. Nothing jumped out at me, at least.
One thing really stood out though!
The irony here! It almost reads as satire. I am not even kidding. The title refers to hypocrisy and the writer claims to believe in God with Christian upbringing. The definition of hypocrite is: “the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.” And that would be judge not lest ur be judged. Do you even see how one would take your myopic, judgmental, holier-than-thou attitude to be the complete opposite of a Christian?
Now these roommates do indeed sound pretty unpleasant to live with. But the fact that you blame it on “liberal-leftist mentality” and seem to conclude that all transgender individuals live the exact same lifestyle complete with pedophilia and “Satanism”. I’m not sure if you realize that or if you meant to do that and you just don’t care. So these people don’t live their lives according to your beliefs and morals, but this is so sanctimonious. It’s really sad, actually. Mean & hateful fake Christians make me sad.
- A non religious person